Board, Staff & Advisory Committee


We are extremely honored to be joined in this mission by the following extraordinary individuals, whom we have come to know
and work with over many years, and who all jumped in to support the mission here from our very earliest days
with their amazing kindness, energy, ideas and ethics.



ANDREW GLICKAndy (shown here with Larry, a rooster rescued from NYC) is a friend, mentor and long time animal rights activist. Founder of WOODSTOCK ANIMAL RIGHTS MOVEMENT ((W.A.R.M.) in 1989 (!!!) and founding member of WOODSTOCK FERAL CAT PROJECT (…

ANDREW GLICK (Treasurer - shown with Little Larry)

Andy (shown here with Larry, a rooster rescued from NYC) is a friend, mentor and long time animal rights activist. Founder of WOODSTOCK ANIMAL RIGHTS MOVEMENT ((W.A.R.M.) in 1989 (!!!) and founding member of WOODSTOCK FERAL CAT PROJECT (W.F.C.P.) as well as a vegan activist, vegan lifestyle coach and educator, Andy brings to this board a profound history of animal rights and vegan activity in the region, as well as the vast experience he has gained supporting vegan causes and initiatives. It is incredible to know that Andy opened the FIRST fully vegan animal rights store in the United States in 1991 - The W.A.R.M. Store! He has been a great friend to us since the very first rescued bird in our care, and we even have a coop dedicated in his (and Larry’s) honor.

NANCY CHILDRESS (Vice President - shown with Percy)

Nancy (Warren) Childress is a treasured volunteer and supporter of the Institute for Animal Happiness.  Prior to moving to the Hudson Valley from New Jersey in 2015, Nancy was a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.  She spent 30 years devoted to compassionate work in all aspects of the Child Welfare, Adoption and Foster Care fields.  The last 5 years of her social work career were spent focused on hospice and long-term care.  Nancy moved to the Hudson Valley to volunteer and then work at an animal sanctuary. She is presently happily retired and is a regular volunteer at IFAH, supporting as both a weekly volunteer with their Happy Cart Free Vegan Food program, and doing animal care. She loves to hold disabled rooster Percy (pictured above) and brings her kindness and compassion to all residents (human and non-human) of the Institute.

HELENA KAMINSKIHelena is a ceramicist, biologist, photographer and maker in Catkills, NY. She is also co-producer of Hudson Valley Vegfest (which supports the work of this Institute) and is building many creative, activist and exploratory worlds via…

HELENA KAMINSKI (Secretary - shown with TeenyTinyTony)

Helena is a ceramicist, biologist, photographer and maker in Catkills, NY. She is also co-producer of Hudson Valley Vegfest (which supports the work of this Institute) and is building many creative, activist and exploratory worlds via her websites, as well as the new and developing Animal Rights Recipes site - where she launched the most beautiful, ongoing fundraiser for the care of birds here in residence, via proceeds from the sales of her gorgeous handmade ceramic tiles which feature the fierce-but-adorable visage of our very own beloved Kaporos rescue Rooster, Buckles.


Also see:
Rebecca Moore, Founder, E.D. and Board Member
Brian Normoyle, Co-founder and Board President


Industry calls this work Caregiver or Caretaker… but we see ourselves as partners in care - employing a holistic approach where the well-being of all in this ecosystem are considered. Labor rights being a key factor of any effort to create a more just society, we bring our experience of ten years doing this work at other organizations to integrate an understanding of the true demands - and even, toll - that care work has on those who are called to this path.
This is hard work! We love and care about these incredible people who do it and bring the Institute’s mission to life:

(Bios to come!)


(List in formation)

Kirsti Gholson
Joanne Ehret
Elli Claire Mazeres
Susan Roth